Lady B loves to pump pedals. That is why she loves fast cars and it is also why she has lots of inflatable items in her house. She loves to use her foot pump to inflate them and then trample and jump on them. Crushing and jumping on things with her bare feet is her greatest joy and gives her the thrill that nothing else gives her. Not even sex.
This mistress was trying to inflate a soccer ball when she realized that her foot pump was not working well. She tried to pump it and did her best but it was inflating slowly and this pissed her off. She was so pissed that she resorted to crushing it for it was useless to her and was not helping her in any way to achieve her objective of inflating the ball.
Lady B bought a foot pump because she likes to crush and press on pedals. She loves pedal pumping and she wanted one she could operate indoors as opposed to her car which means she has to go somewhere if she is to enjoy her pedal pushing. She had fun inflating and deflating stuff because it was a game and a source of fun for her and not about the inflatable toys.
Mistress Anna loves her car. She loves it because it is fast and because it gives her a thrill whenever she drives it. It has a powerful engine and she loves the vibrations and noises it produces when she revs the engine. She has no problem driving in heels or bare foot. All that matters for her is pushing the gas pedal hard and there are few as good as she is.
Mistress Olga loves her car. She loves to get behind the wheel and speed off. She enjoys revving her car hard and she is always generous on the gas pedal and she pedal pumps it hard. She does not care about fuel consumption. All she cares about is driving her sports car as fast as she can and beating guys and showing them that she is a better speed monster than they are.
There is nothing as good as driving a manual transmission sports car. This mistress got an Audi sports car and she loved revving it as well as pedal pumping it. She loves how it responds to her foot and how she is able to drive and control it. The engine sound and vibrations as she speeds are music to her ears and she loves to pedal push the car till it produces them.
Mistress Katja had just learned to drive and she was excited. She got in her car and she sped away. She did not care whether she would get a ticket. She wanted to speed and get a feel of her car. She felt an adrenaline rush and she used it to drive as fast as she could headed to no particular place but just enjoying her car and gaining new skills.
This mistress was asked by her friend whether she could drive a manual car. The mistress did not know how to drive a manual car but she was determined to. She as further asked to drive it in heels and she agreed. She got into a stick shift and although she had trouble getting the car to move, she nonetheless learned very quickly and she sped off into the night.
Mistress Amanda Rey likes to drive her car using sneakers or flat shoes. She also likes to drive in her casual shoes, sandals or flat shoes. Today when the mistress was driving, she had an idea to try and drive the car with her bare feet. She removed her sandals and she drove the car using her bare feet. It was a different experience but it was awesome all the same.
Jasmina is a sexy girl who loves driving her car. Sometimes she just revs up the engine. The pedal pumping in her sneakers makes her hot so she takes them off and starts pedal pumping in her socks. Her legs look so soft and warm as she pumps the gas pedal and break. She gets really hot when when she takes her socks off and starts pedal pumping in her sexy bare feet.